Monthly Archives: April 2012

Party Boy

So here I was at a new years eve party. It was held at a hotel in a large suite. Some of the guests got rooms in the hotel so they could drink and not worry about driving. Always a fun time at this party. I would not miss it for anything.  I always meet such interesting people at this annual event. As I walked in the door, I noticed one girl wearing a really short dress grabbing one guy’s phone and shoving up her dress and snapping multiple photos, giggling away as she did.  I seriously doubt those photos would come out but she was more trying to be naughty and playful than anything.

I got a drink and had a chance to catch up with a few friends I had not seen in a while. It was not long until I found myself on the patio engaged in a conversation with John, an older guy I had met before.  John went inside and as he did, two guys and a girl came and sat on the three open chairs.  The girl sat next to me and the boys next to her.  I quickly engaged them in conversation by asking them about themselves. The closest one was blond and extremely cute. His name was Sava, a Serbian name.  He told me he was born in Serbia but moved to America when he was 6.  He was in college in San Francisco but was in Florida for the holiday to visit family.  The girl’s name was Caley. She was absolutely gorgeous. She was above average pretty but had a body that defies description.  Her dress clung to her body showing off her waist and perfect ass.  She lived in the area. These two seemed to be interested in each other but I got the impression that they did not know each other well and were not a couple. She told us that she had many tattoos including one between her shoulder blades. I made her turn her back to me and I pulled her dress down some to reveal her back so I could see the tattoo.  It was too dark to read what it said but she knew it by heart and she fired it off.  Sava responded that he thought it was cool.  I knew he was just greasing his path to get some later on.  I smiled inwardly.  Then there was Dan.  He sat quietly next to Sava.  I probed him for information.  He was a home town boy going to a local college. Caley mentioned that she had tattoos on her ass and of course I had to ask her to see them.  She promptly stood up turned her back to us and pulled up her dress.  She was wearing the most minimal dental floss thong.  Her ass was impressive.  I kept my cool and admired it.  I complemented her heart shaped tattoo. No doubt this show was for Sava.  I looked at him and he was cool.  At that point I knew it was a sealed deal.  Good for him.

Caley motioned to Sava to go with her and they got up and left.  I engaged in some chat with Dan.  I went inside to get a drink. I made one for Dan.  I came back to sit down and gave Dan his drink.  He said he really did not drink but I encouraged him to try it.  He sipped it and nodded.  My friend Stephen came to me and told he he was heading home.  He had a room but was not going to be using it.  He gave me the key.  I thanked him and told him I would take care of it for him.

It got really late and Misty, the party host said she was ready for everyone to leave.  I went into the suite and said good bye to the remaining guests.  We helped clean up.  I saw Dan standing next to the table and I shook his hand.  I asked him where his friend was and he said he was with Caley.  He was the wing man.  Something suddenly occurred to me.  “Come walk with me” I said, “I have something I would like to ask you”.

Outside, I looked over at him. “I’m not sure how to ask this but here goes”.

He looked at me.

“Would you like to make out?”, I asked. “Maybe get a handjob?”

He was stunned and it took him a second to respond.

“I’m not gay.”

“I know that.” I said. “I’m not gay either.  But I was wondering if we could make out.”

He was backing up a little.  He was polite. “I’m flattered. But I can’t do that”

I looked at him. “Well, at least let me give you a kiss.” I paused. “Please”

I put on my best puppy face.


I leaned in close and let my lips land on his.  I kissed him slow and long.  Mostly our lips just pressed against each other. I moved my lips ever so slightly. I waited until he indicated that he wanted to stop. I felt him start to pull away.

I looked at him. “So, I really think we should make out.”

“I don’t know.” he said. “Where would we go anyway?”

Ah. There it is I thought. That was a question of possibility. It was not a no. It was an implied yes but how.

I showed him the key and told him that I had a room.

Once in the room I asked him if I could kiss him again. He nodded though he seemed hesitant. He would get used to it I thought so I kissed him again.  We were standing near the door.  I pushed the door with my foot to close it. My arms went around his torso and his arms wrapped around my shoulders. We kissed for a while. It could have been ten seconds or a minute I was not sure. I started to get more adventurous.  I kissed his neck all over. We moved to the couch, kicked off our shoes  and continued our kissing session.

I started unbuttoning his shirt and he made no motion to stop me.  He had a beautiful smooth chest. I let my hand run over it.  I looked down and the poor boy’s bulge was crazy tight.

I reached down for his belt and started undoing it. He looked at me.

“That bulge must be way too painful.” I said.

He stood up so I could fully undo him. His jeans unzipped, I pulled them down, underwear and all. His cock sprung into view.  The first thing I noticed was that he was not circumcised and quite sizable.  It was totally erect and the foreskin had slid open slightly, offering a tiny glimpse of the purple head in it sheath.

His phone went off.  It was Sava looking for him. “Tell him you are staying the night,” I said. “I will drop you home tomorrow.”

I hoped that he would buy it.

He answered the phone and did exactly as I said. While he talked I gazed over his now naked body. Nicely trimmed dark pubes.  Even with the distraction his cock lost none of its power.  He hung up the phone. As he put it down, I crawled up along his body and laid on him.  My lips pressed on his.

I kissed his nipples.  I could tell he had never had that done to him before.  I moved off to the side and let my hand fall on his cock almost as if it was by accident. I lightly stroked it and it surged. I heard a low moan. I grasped his balls with a gentle caress. I started stroking him while we kissed. As I slid my hand down his shaft, the foreskin peeled back revealing his slick purple head.  I felt his cock surge in my hands.  It started leaking precum.

Dan made an attempt to take my shirt off.  I made it easy for him and I took it off quickly.  I could see that he was gazing at my bulge and I pulled off my jeans leaving myself completely naked.  My nice average cut cock was stiff.  He gazed at it.  Since he was sitting and I was standing it seemed natural to see if he would accept it.  I walked closer and his eyes were fixated on it.  Eventually my cock was right at his face.  He made no motion to move away and I took that as a positive sign.  He touched it.  It was obvious that he had never touched another guy’s penis before.  Now was not the time to remind him of that.  He kissed it.  The warmth of his lips on my cock was great. I did not expect him to give me a blow job.  I’m sure he would do whatever he could.  He continued to kiss it and he took the head into his mouth.  Not bad I thought.  Then I felt the teeth.  He realized what he had done and corrected his action. It was obvious that he was not a good cock sucker.  But I did not care.  I moved down until our faces were level.  I kissed him.  I knelt between his legs and I took his cock into my mouth.  His head tilted back and he closed his eyes.

I pushed his legs up and apart and started licking his balls. They were smooth. “Oh wow” I heard him say. I trailed my tongue down further.  He knew where I was headed.  I pushed his legs up more and his tight pink rosebud came into view.  It winked at me. I let my tongue slide around it. I had to tease him.  Here and there I would let my tongue touch it and he would moan and squirm. Little by little I paid more and more attention to the puckered pinkness. What a beautiful pink color I thought. I continued to tongue his ass and I began trying to push my tongue into him. A tongue is wet, slippery and not thick. It can usually easily find its way into the tightest ass.  “Oh wow” he said again. For an eternity, my tongue worked his ass, more and more, pushing into him.  I could feel him loosening.

I moved back to his balls for a little while then resume back on his hole.  I could tell he really enjoyed the tongue on his ass the most.  My tongue was now fucking his ass and his hips motioned in unison with my movement. I decided to give his ass a rest and moved back up to his balls.  I moved up his body and resumed a few kisses.  He was a little tentative, realizing that he was now tasting his own ass.  Our tongues meshed and I slid a finger into him.  It went in easily and I felt him shudder a little as it did.

“Are you going to fuck me?” he said in a sort of scared voice.

“I was hoping to,” I said as I smiled. “But only if you will let me”

“Will it hurt?”

“No. You know we don’t have to.”

“No. It’s ok.  I want you to.” he said.

I realized I still had a finger in him all the while we were talking. I kissed him and fingered his now slick ass. Each time my finger pushed in, his cock hardened. His foreskin was pulled back permanently now and precum leaked from it.

I pushed myself off him and he looked at me. “Fuck me now” he said as he switched around to point his ass at me.  I usually prefer fucking a guy face to face, but for novices, it is better to do it from behind.  He held his ass apart, his pink center beckoning.  I reached down to my jeans and pulled out a condom which I slipped on.  My cock was at his entrance and I applied a little pressure. I felt it give a bit and I pulled back.

“Go on,” he said. “Push that dick in my ass.”

I would love to I thought. But that would mean pain for my college friend.  And I was intent on making this a completely pleasurable experience for him even if he never did this again.  I took my time pushing a little at him then pulling back.  He reached and started to pull on his cock.

“I will have none of that” I said. “That’s for me to do.”

He obeyed.

I pushed and I felt my cock head pop into him. I pulled out to let it contract. I waited. Then again, in it went, popping past that pink sphincter.  I pulled out again. I did this seven or eight times. The next time it pushed past the opening, I let it remain unmoving in him. Motionless.  I rubbed his back and let my hands find his nipples which I tweaked and pinched gently while I whispered gently to him to relax.

He pushed his body to mine and I matched it so that my cock did not impale him. He was not ready to go deeper yet. I felt his ass muscle tightening and loosening on my cock. When that pulsing subsided, I started very slowly pushing in some more being very careful to stop at any sign of discomfort.  I was in pretty deep.

He let out another “Oh wow”.

I withdrew slowly and inch or so then slowly pushed back in.  Each in stroke I pushed a little deeper until my body was completely up against his.  There was no way for me to go any deeper.  I held that position and wrapped my hands around his body.  We were now melded into each other.  My cock was all the way into him.

“Oh fuck, I think I’m going to cum” he said.

What the fuck.  He was not even touching his cock and he was just going to cum spontaneously like that? I bucked and gave some motion to my cock in his ass.  “Oh fuck” he moaned. And then I felt his body spasm. The fucker came solely from me fucking his ass.  This was pure gold. I held still while he enjoyed his orgasm.  After a few minutes when his waves of pleasure had subsided, I resumed pumping his ass slowly.  I reached under him and held his cock.  Each time I pushed in, it surged. I worked up a little more pace until I was fucking his ass steadily. He held still at first then he started moving his body with mine. I was really enjoying this and it seemed like he was too.

“You’re liking this aren’t you?” he said, looking back at me with a grin.

“Ah yeah. Your ass is terrific.” I said.

I bucked and he grunted. “Oh. I can’t believe I’m liking this” he said.

“I want to fuck you the other way” I said.

“Huh?” he said confused.

“Flip over.” I said, hesitating. “Like… like a girl”

I withdrew from him and he turned over. “Like this?” he said.

I pushed his legs apart and up to his chest, letting me get access to his ass. I looked at his hole before pushing in. It looked more accepting than before. I put my cock to him and watch with excitement as my head eased in. His hole gave way and expanded under some protest as my cock worked its way in. I always thought this process was pure magic to watch as such a small opening was made to be receptive to something that did not seem possible. And what pleasure it brought.

I mounted him and started working him. I used easy short strokes and he moaned. His cock throbbed and drips of precum leaked from.

I touched it with my finger as my cock worked his ass. I stroked his cock more and it throbbed and surged. I could feel myself ready to cum. And I went a little faster finally pushing me over the edge. I held him tight as my orgasm went through my body and my cock pumped several times.

Minutes went by and we lay there. I pulled out and disposed of the condom.

We fell asleep.

I must have slept an hour and I woke up. I could not help watching this hot body next to mine. I did not want to wake him but I could not keep my hands off him. I caressed his chest and lightly played with his nipples. He roused a little. His stomach was so sexy and I passed my hand all over it then reached down to grab his flaccid cock. I eased back his foreskin to see how it looked.  I thought he had beautiful balls as I touched them gently. His cock roused a little.

I got down at started kissing his cock as it firmed and thickened. I pulled back the foreskin revealing the head which I took to my lips. I kissed and licked the length of his shaft. I held his penis up and started licking on his balls. How smooth they were. I wondered if he shaved them. I didn’t feel any stubble. Could it be that they were just naturally so delicious?

His body started to rouse and I could see his breathing get deeper. His eyes fluttered and briefly opened. He saw what I was doing and closed them again. His cock was now fully hard and I used my lips and tongue on it. His body moved and his breathing got louder. I tok his cock in and out of my mouth, gliding along its shaft, pleasuring him with each stroke.

I felt sweet precum leak from his tip and I kept on, teasing. He moaned loudly and He spurted gobs of thick semen.

Sardonyx #1

Being on another planet was weird. My parents had decided to move from Earth. It was mostly a one way trip. Very few ever went back. It had taken us just short of 2 years to get to Sardonyx. Two years in Earth time that is. Time moved much slower for the travellers and my body aged only a few months. We spent much of the time in a sleep state. We would stay asleep for a week or two and then wake up for a day only to start the cycle over again. The outer worlds as they are known are wild places. Laws are few and the strangest things happen. More males than females make these trips so it was hard for a girl like myself in these places because I would get hounded by every walking penis around.

I was 16 when we left Earth. I had a boyfriend Cole and had to leave him. We were together for a year at the time we left. It was hard. As much as I did not want to believe it, I knew I would never see him again. Lucky for us we had sex for one last time. The journey to Sardonyx was done in several segments. The last was on a freighter named The Fly. We were on it for about a week. One of the crew tried to hit on me. He had no subtlety. I had a vagina and boobs and he needed some action. Essentially he asked me to give him a blow job. I laughed it off. He seemed to have a nice body though.

I met Kera on that ship. She was dark haired and a little older than me. She had seen the guy try to hit on me. She offered me a drink. I was too young I told her. She laughed. Too young? We are in space. There is no such law. “You’re so innocent” she said.

She told me not to hold it against the crew member. Getting some sexual action out here is not easy. It is much more casual than in other places. She slid a drink over to me. I sipped on it. Sweet it was. Minutes went by and it was gone. My head felt its effects.

Kera walked me around different parts of the ship. When we got to the ramp overlooking the cargo bay she leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I didn’t pull away. I had never kissed a girl before. Her lips were so soft.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

“That I never had a girl kiss me.”

“You like?”

I nodded. “Your lips are so soft.”

She moved in again and our lips met. This time it got more passionate. Her hands were on my waist and mine on her sides. She pulled me to her and our bodies met. We both had ample boobs which pressed on each other. I was accustomed to Cole’s more rugged handling of my body. Making out with Kera was quite different. When her hands moved to my ass I felt a twinge between my legs. I had never thought I could be turned on my a girl but here I was.

“Let’s go back to my cabin?” she said.

“I’ve never done anything like this. I don’t know how far I can go.” I said.

“That’s fair” she replied. “I can respect that. It’s up to you how far you go.”

She had her own cabin. Kera traveled on The Fly often though she was not part of the permanent crew. Her job was something like a travel agent. She arranged travel for people. Apparently she was the one who arranged this segment of the journey for me and my family.

Kera’s cabin was tiny. I imagined the other cabins were probably small too. Space was a premium. “There’s not much of a tour,” she said as she pulled off her shirt leaving herself bare breasted. I stared at them. She smiled and I realized I was staring and looked away.
“You can stare. I don’t mind.” she said. “Actually I like like it”

I looked at her breasts again. They were a bit bigger than mine. Her skin seemed tan and even. The nipples were light brown and each were pierced.

“What do you think?” she asked.

“Nice. I like them.” I said.

“You want to touch them? Go ahead, take a feel.”

I placed my hands on them and squeezed slightly. The skin felt so soft and I was intrigued. I massaged and caressed them while Kera smiled at me.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I got carried away. I’ve never…”

“It’s ok Stephanie. It feels nice to have your hands on them.”

Kera started to unbutton my shirt then paused. “May I?” she asked.

I nodded. My lips felt dry and I licked them. My buttons undone, my shirt was now open and Kera’s eyes lit up. “So beautiful” she said as she started to feel my breasts.” Tiny tingles coursed through my body. I felt her lightly pinch my nipples. She slid my shirt off my shoulders and hung it on a hook on the wall. Kera stepped closer. Our breasts touched and arms pulled each other closer. Lips met and we kissed deeply. My mind raced back to Cole and right about now I was expecting to feel his erection pressing on my leg. But of course that was not going to happen now. Our hips were as close as we could manage. I slid my hands over her back enjoying her smooth skin. She kissed my neck and made her way to my chest. Her lips met my nipples and she gently toyed with them using her tongue. I could feel my pussy getting moist. I thought about grabbing Cole’s cock which I would squeeze through his pants. He loved that. What the heck I thought and my hand slid between Kera’s legs, grabbing her mound. I felt a low moan from her. Wow, I had just grabbed another girl’s pussy. Kera’s hand grabbed my ass, squeezing and massaging. I could feel my pussy was getting more wet.

Kera turned around and laid me on the bed. She smiled at me. “You’re ok with this right?”

I undid the snap of my pants and looked at her.

Kera reached down and unzipped me. She pulled my pants off leaving me there naked. I spread my legs caressing all around my pussy. I could feel the hair growth that had sprouted during the trip. “Sorry about the hair.” I said.

“Don’t worry about it. Your pussy is truly beautiful. Shaving is a luxury on these trips.”

She slid her pants off and so I could see her perfectly hairless pussy.

“In case you are wondering, hair does not grow on mine. At least not any longer.”

Kera positioned herself between my legs and started kissing my inner thighs starting from my knees. She moved in closer to my pussy and when her lips landed on it, I was feeling pretty good. She used her fingers to part it and her tongue found its way directly to my slit.

Her hands reached up to massage my breasts while her tongue slid up and down, in and out of my pussy.

Then I felt the orgasm from a distance. I could sense it. When Cole and I first started to have sex, I didn’t have orgasms. It took a few tries and some experimenting. After the first one, I was very orgasmic. I knew the feeling it created in me when it was building up. Kera’s tongue flicked my clitoris just one last time and my body tensed as orgasmic waves overtook me.

I caught my breath and looked at her. She had a huge grin on her face. “I love making girls cum” she said.

“You do this with many girls?” I asked.

“Not nearly enough” she replied.

“I want to do you now.” I said. The idea of licking a pussy to me seemed so foreign but it only seemed faire.

“You don’t have to you know”

“No. I want to. Show me how.”

“Only if you really want to. Don’t do it just because I made you cum and you think you owe me.”

I rolled her over and got on top. I looked her in the eye. “I’m going to eat your pussy and you’re not stopping me.” I said with determination. I kissed her and move my hand to her pussy while I kissed her deep. I rubbed it up and down gently feeling it get slick and wet. I had felt my own wetness many times but Kera had way more moisture than I ever did. I eased a finger in and she moaned. I slowly finger fucked her, using my finger around her clit once in a while. I slid my body down to her breasts and quickly moved to her abdomen and then her mound. I liked the smooth mound and then inched closer to the actual slit. I had never done it before but I had a vagina so I knew how it operated and what felt good on me. I slid my tongue right up the center and the lips parted and my tongue felt the slippery insides of her inner lips. I tickled her clit and I could feel her body moving in response to my actions. I did various motions and patterns and even trying using my tongue as a cock to fuck her.

More moans came from her lips.

I licked her a little faster and her body started to tense. Was she going to cum? I tried fingering her while I applied my tongue directly to her clit. Then her body flinched and she writhed in orgasm.