Fuck With A Friend

Girls sometimes have that one guy friend. She can talk to him about her relationship problems and just spend time with without all the drama. He will show up at their house with food if they get hungry. It’s like a boyfriend without the physical part. The guys refer to it as the friend zone or GBF(girl’s best friend). and they hate getting there because it probably means no sex ever. And guys are about sex. We know that. And so there I was.

My name is Rachel. I was 17 years old. I am about 5 foot 9 so I’m a tall girl, and have wavy blond hair. I’ve been told I’m pretty but who knows what to believe. Friends will say you are pretty because they want you to feel good. Guys will say you are pretty so they can have a chance to get laid. I had a few boyfriends since I was 15 but never got into anything more than making out.

Then there was Jared. He was my age and I had known him forever. He was tall and nicely muscular. He was really attractive but he was always that boy I knew since we were much younger. My girl friends were always on about how cute he was. He had black hair and blue eyes that just drew you in. Our parents were friends so we ended up a various family functions over the years.

It was Saturday afternoon and I headed over to see Jared. It must have been around 3:30 pm when I got there. He had been playing soccer with some friends and he said he was going to shower.

“I will be quick,” he said “I want to watch a movie.”

He went into the bathroom and I heard the water turn on.

I had 20 minutes and being impatient I turned myself to his computer. I turned it on and went on the Internet.

I went on his favorites tab to see what websites he likes so that I could think of something to do. Then I saw that all of his favorites were porn sites.

I was surprised at first. He really didn’t seem like the type of guy who watched porn. Maybe all guys watched porn.

I clicked on one of the sites and it brought me to this teacher fucking his student. I started watching it and I got really into it. All of a sudden I heard the door open.

Jared walked in he saw what I was watching.

“OMG Rachel! What are you doing?” He screamed.

“Just watching some porn videos.”

“I’m a guy. I watch porn. Not that hard to understand.”

“Is that what you like?” I said. “You like her?”

“No Rachel. Of course not. She’s a troll. How could anyone ever watch her? Her boobs are way too big and firm.“

The sarcasm rolled off his tongue with just a little venom.

“Whatever,” I said. “I just didn’t figure that you were a porn guy.”

“Maybe you should watch it with me and not freak out about it.” he said.

I raised an eyebrow. “Sure,” I said. “Why don’t we just have an orgy. Let me make some calls.”

I was equally good at sarcasm.

“I’m serious,” he said. “We can watch some of it. I like them, maybe you will too. Or maybe you are scared to watch a little porn. Is it too much for you?”

I thought for a minute. “I’m not scared. I can handle it fine.”

He adjusted the towel around his waist before he sat down on the chair next to me.

In the video the teacher took out his dick and told the girl that she has been very naughty and needed to be punished. His dick seemed huge. The entire scene played out as the teacher insert his penis into her and then proceeded to get really into it. She moaned what seemed fake because her mouth was not even moving. It was hot and steamy and I found myself quite interested in it. I noticed Jared had a bulge and the towel did not do much to hide it. I was not sure if I was turned on or creeped out because of it. He saw me looking.

“Never seen a dick before? It gets hard when sexually excited. I’m not doing anything wrong so shut the fuck up Rachel!” He spazzed at me.

“Really Jared! I didn’t say anything! I’m not some slut.”

“What are you talking about? That makes no sense. Who ever said anything about you being a slut? Maybe you’re just a prude or something.”

That one stung. I am definitely not anything of the sort.

“You’re such a dick. And I’m not prude!” I got up and started walking away. That boy made me so mad. I was fuming. I will show him I thought to myself.

I walked back to him, grabbed the towel and pulled it from his waist. His cock was standing straight up and hard.

“Look I finally saw a cock. If you can even call it that,” I told him coolly.

I knew he would be hurt that I said that. I then put my hand on it.

“Look I’m touching it. Aren’t I cool?” then I left and went to the living room.

I probably should have felt bad about leaving him in his room like that. But at that point I was so mad that I didn’t care. I sat there watching TV for a while and he did not show up. That made me even more mad. I was just getting ready to just head home when he showed up.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“I just wanted to say sorry for how I acted.”

“Yeah I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have done that”

“It’s okay.” he said in a low apologetic voice. “I’m still hard actually. I was too upset to masturbate.”

“Want me to take care of that for you? It’s the least I can do”

He looked at me puzzled.

“Enough with the sarcasm Rachel. Never joke about that with a guy.”

“I’m not joking.” I replied looking him in the eye. “When a girl offers to take care of that for you, don’t question it.”

“Umm sure I guess. I would love that.” He said with a beaming smile.

“And you better keep your mouth shut. If I hear even a whisper of this…” I said not knowing what I would really do. “Well, if you know what’s good for you.”

He walked over to the couch and i got up to stand next to him.  He had put on shorts and he readily slipped them over his waist and to his ankles. I made him sit on the couch. His dick was about 7 inches long, circumcised and thick. I spit on it and started stroking it up and down. “Mmmm,” He moaned.

I moved in closer and licked the tip of his dick.

“Rachel you don’t have to … you know,” He said.

I just ignored him. Truthfully I was getting into it.  I had never had sex but I thought about it. And I always knew I would be interested in giving my guy a blowjob. The girls talked about it all the time. I was licking his shaft and head and sucking as best as I could. I could tell I was doing a good job from his reaction. Finally I felt him tense up but I was determined to make him cum. I looked him straight in the eyes and he came in my mouth.

I let the cum slip out of my mouth and onto his cock. I stroked him some more with the cum now acting like lube. I thought it felt so nice to do that to his cock.

A minute passed and he sat with his eyes closed just breathing.

“Wow that was great. So much better than doing it myself. I have to repay you. What can I do?” He asked

“Well I am a little wet and horny.” I said shyly.

“No need to tell me twice.” His fingers gripped the edge of my shorts and panties down to my ankles to expose my wet horny pussy

“Better than I imagined.”

He made me sit on the couch and spread my legs. He fingered me a little, playing with my clit. Then he stuck his tongue out and took a long lick. I trembled under his touch. I couldn’t believe what I was letting him do. I was such a slut… and I liked it.

He was trying his best to lick and probe. I never imagined it would feel so good. My pussy ground against his lips as my left hand held the back of his head in closer to my wet sex.

I could tell he was tasting a woman for the first time. My legs came together and my body started shaking.

“Ahh!” I screamed. By the time I was done cumming he was hard again. I looked him in the eyes.

“That was so good.”

My legs were spread apart with him poised between them. He moved up and got his body closer to mine, his cock heading for my pussy.  My brain said no but my pussy said yes. I put my hand on his chest to stop him.

“You don’t want to?” he asked.

“Yeah I do, but not here.” I said. “I know we are alone in the house but I would feel better if we were in your room.”

“As long as you’re sure.”

“I am ” I said. “Just do not cum in me”

He leaned in and landed his lips on mine. His kiss was powerful and I never realized how strong he was. His body pressed on mine. I felt his erection just around my pussy though he made no attempt to put it in. At that point, he could have just pushed it in and I would have not said anything.

He got up and took both my hands and pulled me to my feet.  And we made our way to his bedroom. Along the way, he would stop and kiss me up against the wall. As we passed the bathroom.  I pulled him in and took a washcloth and cleaned off his cock. Each time I touched it, it reacted and this fascinated me. I kissed it. “cute penis” I said and he let out that almost imperceptible moan.


In his bedroom he grasped my top and pulled it over my head.

“I have been wanting to see these for forever,” He said talking about my tits.

I giggled.

“Wow, they are so beautiful Rach.”

He kissed each one and told me he would work on them later.

He hugged me and I fell backward onto his bed with him on top of me. Then Jared pushed his hard cock between my tight virgin pussy lips. I gasped out. I never had sex before.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle.”

A little at a time he pushed into me until he broke my hymen. I was officially not a virgin anymore. What a mind blowing feeling. His dick was in me for a minute as my pussy adjusted. It was very tight and I had him just keep it there for a while. I gave him the go sign and he started slowly thrusting. It did hurt a little at first, being stretched out more than my vagina had ever before. The pain quickly got replaced with pleasure and he started to thrust faster and faster.

“Mmmm,” I moaned. “That feels so good” I said as if I felt tears might come.

He started moving at a faster pace, his cock going into me and the bed we were on was shaking.

“Fucking god yess!” Jared screamed.

“Your cock feels so good!”

He pulled out and I wondered what he was doing. He flipped me over on my hands and knees as his cock plunged into my soaking wet pussy with ease fucking me doggie style.

“I’m gonna cummm!!!” Jared yelled.

“Don’t cum inside of me!”

He quickly pulled out and shot his load on my tits and all over my body. I felt his warm cum landing on my ass and back. Then we both collapsed on the bed. We were both breathing hard and smiling. He brought me to his lips and kissed me.

“I love you Rachel.”

“I love you too,” I said.

And so began a relationship that lasted a year. But that’s another story.

Journey to Slut Chapter 10

I realized it was time to break the news to Howard. I had to admit that Todd owned me sexually and it was going to stay that way as long as Todd wanted. I had no illusions that Todd wanted a real relationship with me. I was his sex toy, one of his sex toys.  But he had a hold on me sexually and that was the way it was. Todd had got me to experiment sexually in a way no one ever had. He effortlessly dragged me into a wider sexual world and there was no going back. Since I met Todd, I had been fucked in public, licked another girl’s pussy, been fucked in the ass, gave blow jobs to an entire room of men and I’m considering getting my clit pierced. I already had the appointment. It was just a matter of if I would show up. A few months ago, none of this was possible.  I made up my mind that when Howard came back from his next business trip I would tell him. I knew Howard well and I had an idea how it would go. Or how I wanted it to go. There was really only one way and I knew I could be happy with it and I believed Howard could be too.

When I sat Howard down he already knew he was about to hear something big. I just told him I was having sex with another man. He was shocked but excited. His friends told him that it was happening but he refused to believe them. Then I let him know that I had no intention of leaving him. He asked me if it was over  between me and my lover. No it wasn’t. It might be some day and I have no way of knowing if that day was a week away or a year. Todd owned me sexually so I do whatever he says. And Todd didn’t care if I had sex with Howard so long as Todd was serviced first. Howard could have what was left. I told Howard that big changes were taking place for both of us.

 I was getting enough cock from Todd but I wanted more orgasms. Todd got his orgasm and sometimes I did not. So I explained to Howard we would start by him eating my pussy and I meant often. Howard had tried it once but never did it after that. I told him how Todd had several guys lick my pussy and all of them said how wonderful it was.

Howard asked me if I liked Todd’s fucking better than him. I looked him in the eye. Honesty was important here. Brutal honesty or this would never work. Of course he fucks better. I answered. i graphically described how Todd just takes my pussy by storm. In fact I felt I was getting closer to cumming just from him pounding my pussy like a bulldozer. His jaw really dropped when I told him Todd fucked me in the ass. “You let him do that?” he asked.

 “No. I didn’t let him Howard.” I replied. “I don’t let him do anything. He takes what he wants”

I pulled up my skirt to show Howard I wasn’t wearing underwear. I spread my ass cheeks to show him my less than virginal backdoor. I saw Howard’s eyes glint.

“That’s not a pleasure for you honey,” I said. “That’s just for Todd and anyone else he wants in there. You’re not even allowed to put your finger near there.”

I spread my legs and told him I was waiting for his tongue. Fow now all he would be doing is licking my pussy and giving me orgasms. He could masturbate to make himself cum after I had enough orgasms. How many were enough? I don’t know. At least three. And if I don’t get at least three orgasms, then Howard does not get to cum at all.

“So I can’t fuck you?” Howard asked.

“For now no honey.” I replied. “Todd takes care of that.”

“You mean he said I am not allowed to fuck you?”

“Oh Todd doesn’t care.” I replied. “That’s my decision. And for now I’m telling you that’s off limits. Finger me while you lick my pussy but no intercourse. I may change my mind a few months down the road. You should just focus on getting your tongue good at licking my clit”

Howard got down and eagerly licked my pussy and until I had two orgasms. I noticed him starting to stroke his cock and I reminded him that I must have three orgasms or no orgasm for him.

The next morning I woke up and Howard is trying to nuzzle over to me. I pushed him off and told him I need to start my day. I saw that he had quite an erection. I had to leave but I knew he would stroke it. I was going to have to figure this out because it was not going to work well.

When i got home later that day I was reading about how to control my man. I needed ideas. They advised that Howard’s cock be locked up and I keep the key. I didn’t want to do that. One person wrote on her blog that if an orgasm is to happen then it is best for the woman to stroke the man and not let him stroke himself. And do it quickly, do not prolong it.

“Get your man into the bathroom and near the sink. Take his pants down and have him bend over so that his cock was pointing into the sink. Lubricate and insert one finger into his anus and use the other hand to stroke him steadily until he ejaculated. Once his ejaculation sequence starts, let go of his cock and let him cum while he cock has no stimulation. This was known as a milking with a ruined orgasm. The idea was for the ejaculation to happen such that the semen was ejected but with no significant pleasure wave. It would feel good but not terrific.

When Howard came home we talked some more. I explained to him that I thought he and I would have intercourse once every one to three months. Other than that all orgasms must come from me only. There was to be no masturbation unless specifically authorized. And if he did, his intercourse privilege would be delayed a further month. And if he lied and I found out it would be delayed a further month.

He asked me how sex was with Todd. I explained to him that Todd was stronger and had a slightly longer penis and thicker too. And when Todd entered me it was no mercy. Todd wasn’t gentle. Todd demanded my pussy surrender to his battering ram whenever he wished.

“If you could just see it,” I said. “If you could just see it entering me and how I respond.”

“Well, can I?” Howard asked.

He wanted to watch Todd fuck me? It had never occurred to me. I really loved Howard and and if he wanted that and he could handle it, I didn’t see why not. It would take time but I was open to the idea.

“Maybe they are right,” I said aloud.

“Right about what.” said Howard.

I explained to him that the recommendation was to lock up his penis so he could not cheat and orgasm without permission. I explained the device to him. The penis was stuffed into it and locked. And he would have to earn the privilege to let it out once in awhile. I was not in favor of it but there might be no choice in this case. I told him to read up on it and if he wanted to go that way he would have to decide and tell me.

I then told him to come with me and we went to the bathroom. I made him face the sink and I unbuttoned his jeans. He got all excited when I pulled everything down and his hard cock jutted out. I gripped his cock.

“Seems like you did not get some release earlier like I thought you would. That’s quite good.” I said.

“He nodded. I’ve been super horny all day.” he said.

I reached for my hand lotion and got some on my finger. I held his ass cheek and let my finger wander in between. I felt his hole and pushed. It was tight but the lube allowed my finger to enter.

“What the fuck are you doing,” he said.

I pretended not to hear and gripped his cock and started stroking it at a good pace.

He moaned. Once my finger was in all the way I held it there. I noticed that he cock got a little harder. I picked up the pace a little and in no time her was shooting into the sink. I held his cock and aimed it at the sink forgetting that I was supposed to release it. Never mind, I will remember next time. The entire process took less than a minute.

“You see, it can be fun.” I said. “Even if we aren’t fucking.”

I made him get dressed and clean up the sink then we went back to the living room to continue our discussion.


Journey to Slut Chapter 9

Howard and I dated for 2 years and were married for three. He started hinting that I should go out and meet other people. At first I thought he just meant friends. It wasn’t until some time later that I understood he wanted me to date. I was shocked and it turned me off for a month. When I calmed down he gave me some material to read about women who were in relationships and dated occasionally. And all of them were dating and engaging in sexual activity. Yet they remained in their relationship.

I ended up talking to one of these women. Her name was Adelia. She told me about how she never intended to be sexually faithful to her husband even before they were married. She told him point blank that she loved him and wanted a long relationship with him but she fully intended to date and have sex with other men whenever she wanted. It was non-negotiable. He agreed. At first she did have the occasional fling. It wasn’t until she learned the one main rule. The outside lover should have a bigger cock than the husband. In her case that was not difficult. In her case she also insisted that her sex partners be circumcised. I’m not sure why. But that was what she wanted. She met someone who was a sexual dynamo. He was not a fun guy and treated her like a complete whore. But she had massive orgasms. It wasn’t long after that she was unable to orgasm when having ex with her husband. She would let him do it once in awhile but only after he used his tongue on her and made her cum several times.

Find someone who can really fuck she said. Try out different guys until the right one came along. It does not matter if they are totally ridiculous, so long as they can fuck.

After that, I started insisting that Howard eat my pussy more. I would sometimes text him on my way home from work to tell him to be ready to eat my pussy as soon as I got there. He would be so eager to fuck that it would last only minutes. I soon stopped letting him fuck me right away. I made him cool down for at least two hours then after another round of pussy licking then he got to put his dick in me.  It helped a bit and our sex life began to became interesting. 

I wasn’t dating anyone else yet. I got a message from Adelia. She and I had become better friends. A friend of hers was in my area and she wanted me to meet him. She advised me to have Howard make me cum with his tongue before I went to meet her friend.

Her friend’s name was Conrad. He was around 40, pretty muscular and average looks.


Journey to Slut Chapter 8

I got to thinking about how all this started. It was all Howard’s doing really. At least he prompted it. I started my sexual play in my mid teens. Bobby Dodson and I made out and groped each other in my back yard. I wasn’t ready for sex yet but he fingered me and I liked that a lot. The thought of his cock in my vagina was very intriguing but the idea of something that size going in there did not seem like an idea I was ready for. I gave him a handjob and I liked when I made him cum. After that first time, he was relentless. He wanted me to do it almost every day and I got tired of it. I had no idea of big or small cocks back then. I knew they came in different sizes but his was the first I touched and saw and I had nothing to compare to. Looking back he was pretty well hung. I could barely wrap my hand around it.

Then I dated Chad. I’m not sure I would call it dating. Be must have made out with half the girls in school including me. We went back to my place after a movie and made out on my couch. I was wearing a skirt and he slid his hand up my thigh. We kissed like mad and he rubbed my clit like an expert. It was my first orgasm and I didn’t really expect it. I was ready to return the favor when I heard someone moving around. My mom came down and made him leave. She was polite but I think she knew there was something going on. We texted each other after he left and he told me how horny he was. I let him know I was ready to give him a handjob but it didn’t work out.  The next day I went to his house and it was just him and his older brother there. We sat around and talked for a bit and I noticed him staring at my boobs. I told him I wanted to see his room. Once there he pushed me up against the wall and kissed me hard. This time I was wearing jeans and he moved his hand between my legs. I thought he had five hands because they were everywhere on my body. I put my hand on his bulge and I squeezed it.

“I think my cock is going to explode” he said.

I didn’t want intercourse and I told him that I did not want to fuck. He said he understood.

His hands were up my shirt feeling my boobs. Wow, that feels nice I thought. it was like a direct connection to my pussy. The more he squeezed and played with my boobs the more I wanted to him touch my pussy.  He pulled my shirt up to take it off and I freaked a little. “What about your brother?” I asked.

“Never mind him,” he said. Chad flipped the lock on his door and then pulled my shirt off. He kissed my nipples. That felt even better than his hands. My vagnia needed attention.  I undid my belt to give him a hint. All this time we were standing by the door to the room. Now he took me over to the bed and pushed me on it. he undid my jeans and pulled them off.

“You are so beautiful” he said.

I blushed. “Thank you.”

Chad undid his jeans and took them off.  He was wearing boxers and his erection poked out. He lay next to me and we kissed again. His hand found my clit and he again expertly brought me to orgasm. I rolled over on him half way and I slid my hand on his cock. While I kissed him, our tongues furiously intertwining, I stroked his length. It throbbed and pulsed. He tensed and it squirted several times landing all over his chest.

“did I do it right” I asked.

“Yeah. that was great.” he said grinning.

We kissed some more and his erection was still there. He rolled over on top of me and positioned his cock to my pussy. He started sliding the head along my slit and boy did that just feel like heaven. Then I felt ever so slightly his head start to make its way into me. My head was spinning and my pussy was flowing. I wanted him in my so badly but I just couldn’t. I pushed him off me and rolled over shutting my legs.

“What’s the matter?” he said, his hand on my shoulder. “That didn’t hurt did it?”

“No.” I replied. “I just can’t. I’m sorry. I’m just not ready for that. I told you we were not going to fuck.”

“I understand. But I’m so horny right now my brain is going to explode.”

I turned over and looked him in the eye then at his penis. It really was super hard. I kissed him on the lips and held his hard cock stroking it as I ran my lips over his. 

“You think you could … you know …” he said in a husky voice.


“You know, give a blow job.”

I thought about it for a second. His penis in my mouth. That did not sound like a pleasant experience.

“I don’t know.” I said.

“Aw come on. Just try it.”

I fended off his request for a bit and he persisted.

“Just try it a little. If you don’t like it you can stop.”

“I will try but I’m stopping if I don’t like it.”

I got close to his cock and I looked at it. This was the closest I had ever seen a penis. I could see the veins and the skin tightly stretched on his firm shaft. There was a color difference where his circumcision was done. He told me just to kiss the head which I did. I picked up a slight taste of salt as I did. It wasn’t too bad.

“Don’t you cum in my mouth,” I said to him. “If you do this will be the last time this ever happens.”

He pushed his cock at me, telling me to put it in my mouth. I let it in and he pushed more, trying to get it deeper into my mouth until it was hitting the back of my throat. I moved up and down on it and he kept trying to push it in more. I pulled away and stroked his wet cock a few times then took it back into my mouth. I used my hand and lips on him, while he moaned. I liked the idea that I was pleasuring him. I felt his cock tense and a squirt went off in my mouth. I pulled his cock out and held it against my neck as I watched him tense and cover my neck and upper chest in cum.

“Feeling better now” I said with a grin. 

“Yeah.” he said then shot me an eye. “I could go for more.”

I slapped his cock.

We laid there for a while and he told me how much he really wanted me and that he hoped we would do it one day. He asked me if I liked giving a blowjob. I told him I thought it was okay. For some reason I did not want to tell him how I liked the idea of giving him pleasure.  It just did not seem like he should know that. I let him know that I was not happy that he squirted in my mouth. Lucky for him it was just a little bit.

When i got home my sister was the only one there. As I got close to her she looked at me funny. She sniffed.

“Oh my God.” she said, her eyes wide with disbelief. “You smell of sex.”

I never blushed so hard in my life. I denied it but she looked at me with that knowing look. I explained to her that I did not actually have sex. She explained to me that because I didn’t have intercourse that didn’t mean it was not sex. I told her everything that happened.

“You better shower before mom gets home.”

I told her about the blowjob and asked her if she liked doing it. She told me she loved doing it. I wasn’t so enthused with the idea.

“Well, he sounds super horny like most guys are and they are determined to put their penis somewhere.” she said.

I laughed.

This went on for about three weeks. I never let Chad fuck me. He fingered me and he was the best at playing with my clit. I wondered why I never tried making myself cum. After a few weeks everything tapered off. He started paying attention to other girls and that made me mad. I guess it was a break up though it really was mostly a sexual affair.


Journey to Slut Chapter 7

Todd sent me a message to get away for the weekend. He gave me directions and I drove there for three hours to meet at a rural shop. I pulled into the stony dusty parking lot with the only thing in sight was several old pickups. I waited.

He showed up in a black SUV and made me get in. Nikki was sitting in front next to Todd and Gigi and Missy were in the back with me. We drove all of three minutes and Todd told us to get naked we would not be needing any clothes for the rest of the weekend. I asked Gigi if she knew what was going on and she said no. She was smiling so I guessed she loved the intrigue. I guess I did too. 

We pulled off the main road and drove up a long winding driveway through some trees finally arriving at a nice looking cabin. We were all naked but it was secluded so we had nothing to worry about being seen. Not that the other girls would have cared anyway.

Once inside, there were several other guys all standing around drinking beer and chatting. The made no comment when we came in except to look us over. Todd introduced us to them then he told the men that the girls would be naked for the entire weekend. He had some rules. Girls were to give blowjobs and make at least 5 guys cum each day before they could even consider having an orgasm of their own. I saw Gigi’s eyes light up. The rule was that the girls could only make the guy cum using lips and tongue.

Failure to achieve the 5 orgasms would result in a spanking.

Fuck, I thought. That’s a lot of cock sucking. I remembered the one spanking I got from Todd. I don’t want that to happen ever again.

Gigi walked right over to one of the guys, pulled his shorts down and started flicking her tongue on his cock.

Todd waved on of the guys over to me. He pushed on my shoulders, forcing me to my knees. The guy popped out his thick circumcised cock and brought it to my face. I closed my mouth and didn’t want to suck it.  I was a little mad at Todd. The guy held my chin and smacked my face lightly a few times. “Open ya fucking mouth sweetie.”

Again he smacked my face a little harder and i decided it was best to go along. I opened and let his cock into my mouth. He started stroking my mouth like a pussy though he was not going deep. He pumped my mouth and I could not keep up. It was overwhelming.